Saturday, November 14, 2009

The love of horror also includes the love of life

I see gardening as being very much related to horror. Take last year when i lost all my potatoes and tomatoes to late blight. That fungal disease killed a good many of my people in Ireland some 150+ years ago. It was unbelievably horrible to have an entire country starving at once whilst food was shipped out to England.

One story I recall concerned a reporter or something that wanted to see what the fuss was about. You see back then communication was very limited in a throughly rural country. So she ventured to Ireland. 2 men took her in a boat to an island. she then remarked how nice and healthy the dogs were upon the banks. The 2 men just looked at each other mortified. The dogs were feasting upon an entire village that was dead.

I face my own potato famine last year and no one came to my aid. I went hungry quite a bit. I started selling things on ebay including skeletons just to feed me. I remember my bike falling into severe disrepair and I could no longer travel about to look for things to sell(that was before selling skeletons). I looked towards my other bike with a bad bottom bracket but to me it was a loss. I made a painful ride over to a bike shop. I had to stop every 5 seconds because the crank tightened up. When I got to the bike shop they didn't take trade ins. I wound up purchasing a bike(plastic) and leaving the other there for repairs. I rode the new bike home in the rain. since then I've just been trying to survive selling skeletons.

My garden beds have all been put to rest. Each one is either covered with winter rye or leaves. I'd like to build a polycarbonate green house to start seedling for next year. The future is very uncertain as more rains pour down.

I lost my food this year. 250 potato plants 75 tomato plants. Who knows what happens next year. Maybe someone will prevent me from selling skeletons? I guess that is when I become a Mollie.

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