Friday, December 4, 2009

Tiger Woods shouldn't even matter

Golf? What the hell is that? A boring old sport where impotent men can get away from their nagging menopausing wives?

Look at all the advertisements too. It's all Cadillacs, Grey Goose and other so called "fancy things".

Like all sports I suspect where there's lots of money there are games to be played and will be played. That is to say there will be some tweaks. Someone should really investigate this. I believe with so much money riding on a shot the "games keeper" makes sure that ball heads towards the hole or away from it depending on the purposeful outcome.

Is that to say a golfer can't make the shot or shots? No but with so many zombies watching hypnotized into believing this is time well spent the last thing you want to do is have something go wrong. The greater idea is to distort reality so the average Joe believes in a tangible god. Up until recently Tiger Woods was that person.

How would they manipulate the ball? I think that's rather easy with magnetic force and or gyroscopes. Gyroscopes? Sure why not? The people who run this world will try and do anything to pull the wool over our eyes. So someone needs to dress up like Carl the assistant greenskeeper and start digging for golfers I mean gofers.

So they trumped up this so called "black man" named Tiger Woods. He happens to have a little cream in his coffee but they thought they could pawn him off as black. Okay he happens to look like Bart Simpson was left out in the sun too long but they figure why not say he's black.

Why promote a black man in an almost exclusively white activity? It's a form of distraction. Black people will simply look up and see some supposedly black guy(recently called his wife ghetto) doing well and think "We've arrived". Many wont be buying Grey Goose but they'll buy Nike products and Wheaties etc. It's purely a marketing gimmick. Since the 60's especially some white people(a great many) feel they owe the black man something. So they present to those white people a black man(highly dubious) not saying Yo every other sentence. They bow right down to him.

Now the shit hits the fan and Tiger is out clubbing and rubbing someone(some people rather) other than his wife who clawed his face and whacked him over the head with a golf club after confirming he cheated on her. This trumped up "sports star" who make over $100 million in advertising dollars catering to a wide spread demographic is now behaving like an NBA/NFL star.

What is next? DUI? Well he was on meds and hit a hydrant. Gun possession? He has been shooting his load. Racial slur? Well he did call his wife ghetto despite being the one "clubin' it".

I see him as a white man in a black (bart Simpson like) man's body and so ashamed of it he likes to spill his load in every white whore he can. Issues for tissues.

So much for your trumped up hero. I don't know why people are duped into thinking thos on pedestals are so perfect. It's like I said we're all a bunch of timid atheists making new gods every day so we can somehow make sense out of our mortality. We build them up and break them down just as quickly.

So without further adieu let the worship begin. I accept all major credit cards, checks, money orders and cash. I will also accept real estate, slaves, and farm animals.

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