Sunday, September 23, 2012

Scorpio rising?

Was taking the dog out quite high on a coffee/sugar buzz...still beaming as a matter of fact when I noticed how clear the nighttime sky was and how vibrant the constellations were.

It was and is quite remarkable...I almost couldn't or didn't recognize some I normally recognize because the stars around them were more visible.

Then off in the east i see 3 stars in vertical alignment...From what i now gather they make up the constellation Scorpius.

funny i was just watching some Led Zeppelin videos/interviews. 99% of humans would not get my point but there was this movie Jimmy Page was suppose to do the music for Lucifer Rising...a film by Kenneth Anger who had previously done Scorpio Rising. Page and Anger did not get along or had a falling out. So the music never got to film. It's scheduled to be released or was released by Page.

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