A number of years ago the very rich automobile industry received bailouts because it was decided they were "too big to fail". Oh they were big alright and bloated with subsidized profits and full of shit.
Every once in a while without any scrutiny cnn will publish the story of someone hard on their luck and the next thing you know donations are rolling in and they have a couch to continue the same existence as before. I wonder if cnn will do a follow up how those people destroy the houses that are just granted to them?
Under obama he forgave all those people making minimum wage who thought they could afford a mortgage of $2500 a month plus utilities, food, clothing etc.
Here I sit struggling in the dead of spring to make a living off of Halloween. Sales are expectantly down but that doesn't mean there isn't work to do and tracks to lay and promotion to run. I should be ordering costumes, make up, and other accessories along with running ads on Facebook, Google, etc. I should be prop building as well.
Well I tried the indiegogo and got the cold shoulder. These sites are fine if you're giving away free mp3's that you can easily duplicate for free and send in an email but helping a small business compete with rich companies isn't as easy. Many of the industry leaders started out rich to begin with. They got in while the going was good. I don't have the luxury they had.
After being raped by the tax man I'm without working capital and my credit lines are squeezed. It's really not fair because I've worked really hard at this. I made the decision around 2006 to venture off in this direction and I have made a solid mark but I'm just one person. All the giant retailers do is copy me like all the other peons.
It would seem in this world if you're not cheating and stabbing people in the back you're destined to be poor. If you don't live off of subsidized income like a lot of people do otherwise known as taxes and you didn't inherit it chances are you are not doing very well right now unless you're selling heroin for the cia.
It would seem I've been way too nice to the competition. They're pissing right down my back by advertising on my ebay listings. This would include millionaire companies stealing my customers away from me. Imagine that ebay sells advertising space to my customers on my own listings I paid for!!!
I need to start some fucking trouble.
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