Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Really in the mood for creating some Horror Rock

I guess what has prevented me from creating more timeless hits like "Meet Me in the Graveyard" is the fact I sold a lot of my equipment!

Let's see...I sold my Fender Highway 1 Jazz Bass(which wasn't bad even after some fuck head crushed it)to purchase my dog.

I sold my Ampeg Jet for a young French exchange student didn't actually?

Umm I had an old effects processor I sold for beer..I mean food.

I NEED FUCKING NEW GEAR! I want to have a geargasm.

I'm thinking I can cheat until I get another bass by using either my keyboard(broke down) or pitch shifting. The former does allow me to access Rickenbacker, Fender Jazz, and Hofner. That's probably the ticket because I've yet to hear a pitch shifter that didn't make a guitar sound like E.T. masturbating.

I have cool drum samples..nice LUDWIGS! Add the lush convolution reverb and I'm all for 1 thing?


GUITAR RIG 4 PRO is in my crosshairs. I want it and I want it now. I've downloaded free guitar amp simulators before but they tend to either bug out or sound like an Atari 2600 fart contest. Guitar Rig has the amps I want! It's got the cool effects too. What's best of all is it doesn't sound like crap!

I love to put effects on acoustic Guitars for a spacey sound. I also love the 60's garage type sounds or the heavy reverb treatment heard on Screaming Lord Sutch and the alike.

For my vocals I have that free works fine save for the delay but it's FREE.

I've written a lot of horror songs including satires and borderline parodies. I think I come across a hell of a lot better than death metalists who sound so insecure as they put on this video game voice. I swear sometimes I think they're saying "I'm Ganon Link and Zelda is my love muffin now bugger off before I stick a wooden sword torch up your gas laden arse"! They can't sing so they growl. They're not very tough naturally so they work out a lot and get lots of cheesy tatoos. I'm not about any of that. I'm a psychotic lyricist.

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