Wednesday, November 3, 2010

432HZ Frequency Tuning

432HZ? There's a growing movement to explore alternative frequencies these days. A lot of this is tied in with new age movements. I don't know much about them. What I do know is without having ever heard about 432HZ I was using it.

When I was about 18 I got a guitar tuner for x-mas. Being a fan of Jimmy Page I was interested in alternative tunings. I don't recall any mention of tuning down from the standard 440HZ-432HZ though. I do recall using the tuner and always tuning to the left of the needle a ways. Who knows perhaps I was just trying to get the strings to bounce more or have less tension since I preferred to use my fingernails to play guitar. One thing is for certain my tuner did not have 432HZ marked but where I was gravitating I was right around that frequency.

I've heard the 440HZ was started by the nazis because their equipment was tuned to that. Before dismissing that just look at how many things we copied from them. our rocket technology grew out of the kidnapping of their scientists. Our troops wear nazi helmets. Some of our presidents such as junior bush has close family ties with hitler. Since the world has been fucked up in a very bad way since wwII I think it's safe to say 440HZ was chosen for the wrong reasons.

There were several movements to make everything 440HZ the years prior to the Nazis. I guess the French were left out of one consideration which made them very irate. The French do get emotional.

432HZ is the frequency Stradivarius used to tune those fiddles he made.

Some people can break down frequencies to the molecule. I am not one of those people. What I can do is tell you 432HZ seems to have very nice harmonics. Some people would not like these overtones. Another thing is I found myself finding the notes as if something was guiding me. The significance of this is I was playing bass guitar and I am not overly familiar with bass. The notes seem to come out of no where. I'm not saying I was playing like James Jamerson but I was playing better than I did a few minutes before in 440HZ and in slightly off 432HZ.

What I did in Guitar Rig was set the tuner to chromatic, change reference pitch to A4-432HZ, and tune the 1st A on the fret board of each string. Works for me. Sounded great. I just need to build up the strength in my fingers to play bass.

Some side effects can be experienced such as wanting to get completely naked and storm a high brow tea party and announce to a comatose crowd you've found your true calling in life but these are perfectly normal. Some other things you might experience is you'll need your action adjusted a bit or you might have to play more gently.

You can vote in out of state elections?

Yes it's true, you can vote in any election you want. Well provided you have the money you can. Yesterday was the day we lost more of our freedom as we the peons err people sat at home helpless as outsiders decided our state elections.

How is it possible people from say Texas can donate money to a governor's race in say Massachusetts or people from New York do the same and decide the outcome? Why is a local election national news? Should it not be local?

Why is sean hannity the neo nazi that he is focusing so much time on elections where he does not live? He is an individual, right? Or does he represent a propaganda machine to rig elections?

It's pretty simple for common sense people like myself. You should only be allowed to donate to a campaign if your primary residence is in the state in which you reside. I also believe you should have had to have been a residence of the state for a considerable amount of time in order to donate. Perhaps a cap should be placed upon those who just moved to a state?

Then again why don't we just cap all election donations at $100? Let's take the money out things and focus on fair elections not rigged neo nazi affairs. Let the people of any given state, county, district decide the outcome of their area.

What is needed is less federal government so there wouldn't be such a temptation to sabotage elections in a state you've never set foot in.