Unlike Hindu philosophies which have the careful approach to reincarnation(Be careful not to swallow a fly it might be uncle Louie)I believe there are channels or a genetic grid of some sort that continues to re circulate the same lost souls or the same grievous angels.
We that is our electrical charge or energy or soul or spirit if you like is a time traveler. We have traveled the universe round. Why or how we came here is anyone's guess. Here? Oh the place we call earth. One thing is for damn sure we didn't come with our monkey suits on. That's a nasa/Hollywood myth to suggest monkees can fly to any great extent. Just as Davey. Ha...
I do believe there is an energy grid. The grid seems to change and it's powers have been manipulated(see Coral Castle). Wars have been fought over this grid I believe. Certain spots on the earth the energy is so strong pyramids have been created without the use of sophisticated modern machinery. At the same time these energy grids more than likely channel souls after their monkey suits rot away.
What makes a lost soul enter a body or a particular body is not understood. I suppose genetics could play a part but then how or why did a soul enter any given body in the 1st place?
One theory as to when will sound completely ridiculous but one does have to wonder. Lot of people who call themselves vegetarian dont consider eggs to be meat. They dont consider them to be a lifeform similar to those who call themselves vegetarian and eat fish. I guess eating fetuses and small children are okay with those vegetarians?
So it's the chicken and the egg thing. Only thing is we're talking about humans. What exactly happens to a child when they reach 2-3 years old and they sound as if they were possessed by the devil? Could it be that when we are that age we finally receive a soul? That just happens to be the age when I started talking about past lives. I was also talking very early on so why did I just start talking about being an adult before?
Completely unrelated but who knows I found a rather disturbing thought in a jewish book or encyclopedia. It might have been the one from early part of last century. It basically said that it's okay to molest children. Could it be an indication of not thinking of a child as being significant? That the child has no soul till they receive one? Are souls changed or manipulated at some point?
There are a lot of questions to be answered but one thing is for sure monkey suits are superficial. It's for that reason the Bohemian Grovers say "Begone Dull Care".